About this website
This website on marine Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ) has been developed by
on behalf of UNEP-WCMC,
as part of the
GEF-funded ABNJ Deep Seas Project
due to end in late 2019.
It aims to:
provide a comprehensive overview of the governance, human activities and natural environment of ABNJ,
make it easier to find global and regional organisations involved in ABNJ management and governance, and
make it easier to find and navigate through ABNJ-related data and information that is scattered across the internet.
The website is a prototype, i.e. a work in progress.
We have a lot of ideas for improving and simplifying the visual interface, augmenting the information content,
extending the search functionalities, and adding an interactive user forum.
We are aiming to implement these ideas in future (resources permitting).
Above all, we want to ensure the finished website will be genuinely useful to a wide range of stakeholders. Your constructive
feedback on this prototype is therefore welcome – you can send it via the tab on the left of your screen.
Because the website is still under development, it may contain errors, inaccuracies, glitches or omissions.
Please let us know (via the feedback tab) if you notice any.